Our Fees
First visit:
Normal fee : €70
Child (under 18) of parent already a patient of the studio, or vice versa : €50
Newborn after pregnancy followed at the studio : offered
Follow-up visit :
Normal fee : €70
Partnership : €35
Care plans :
12 adjustments : €500 (2 sessions free)
18 adjustments : €700 (4 sessions free)
24 adjustments : €850 (7 sessions free)
It is possible to set up an instalment plan to pay for a treatment plan, to share it with a member of your family, to be reimbursed for sessions not carried out.
If you are interested in forming a partnership with your company, sport club or association, please let us know.
We practice autonomous payment. Between the waiting room and the large adjustment room you will find a box with envelopes and a pen that will allow you to deposit the fees for your session.